Taletober 4: Fucking Bananas

Taletober 4: Fucking Bananas

Inspired by @alexogle

Fucking bananas. Why did the dumb ones always make some crack about fucking bananas?

Like if this guy gets in front of that unicorn they’d cooked up for some rich kid amusement park, all he can do is make a stupid joke about shitting rainbows.

To be fair, he knew he had nothing on that unicorn. Mythical creatures were rare but his kind wasn’t, or at least hadn’t been. Still, you’d think an enhanced monkey soldier might be worth something more than a fucking banana joke.

When the lab coats made the first breakthrough the whole world nearly rioted. No one was ready for clones, particularly not an enhanced monkey clone intended for battle. But people got the picture real quick. Monkey clones do the dirty work, no more humans die. Not in war at least. It’s all about the application. That’s how new technologies live or die.

Besides, he didn’t even like bananas. Or did he? Was that just a preference he’d inherited? Mostly he tried not to think about what might have gotten passed down in the cloning process.

He’d heard a rumor that the first monkey was still alive, locked away in some lab. A genetic cheat sheet for the government in case things went wrong. Or at least more wrong than they’d already gone. If it was true he intended to meet him someday and cut the last string his former masters held. He’d have to remember to ask his opinion of bananas before he pulled the plug.

Tonight’s job had been done hours ago, confirmation sent and funds transferred, but he was still on the hunt. Hanging from the brickwork he watched Banana man celebrate with his cronies. Must’ve been their competition he’d eliminated. He smiled. At least they were enjoying their final moments, even if they couldn’t see them for what they were.

He’d worked for all kinds of people and he believed that a job was a job. Whatever kept the suit on his back and the “retirement” squads one step behind. But he’d also been freelance long enough to know. Sometimes you have to fire the client.